
Why So Serious

Why So Serious

That Jesus is the Gate and all the others are up to no good. This implies that anyone who is not Jesus or pointing exclusively to Jesus is trying to lead people astray, rob them of their worth, and ultimately lead them to death and destruction. That seems... severe. So Jesus, we'd like to know, “Why so serious?!”

Community: Simplified

Community: Simplified

Love God. Love people. Mean it. Jesus made following him pretty simple. Definitely not easy, but simple nonetheless. The complications of following Jesus come as a result of good, old-fashioned human brokenness. We kind of fumble around in prayer with some shallow “hallelujahs” and then stumble into our families and friend groups with deep fears and insecurities. For many, the pain of seeking to simply follow Jesus and falling embarrassingly short is just exhausting. The sting of those failures can leave us running into dark isolation and unhealthy spiritual independence; or spiritual co-dependence and worship of religious constructs.

Understanding Salvation

Understanding Salvation

We have a rough time associating with in our daily lives. Being "saved" implies that we needed saving, but until some of us hit a crisis in life we don't feel we need to be saved at all. Rather, we feel pretty powerful; kings of our own castles feeling like we are running the show like MTV Cribs or something... if you haven't seen it don't worry you aren't missing much, in heaven will be the best crib of all.



A Jewish guy, the son of a woman who was allegedly a virgin, born into family of charismatic zealots, decided to base the entirety of his life on earth on a single reality: everything exists because of Him. Not many people have said things like that. Not many people have gone into as much detail or even died to prove it. And, history suggests, not very many people chose to die the way that he did either.



A way to describe Christianity may be Christology, or, the study of Jesus. Jesus, a person, lived in our world with a lineage, an immediate family, a community of friends, a following. Because he is an actual human being with feelings, emotions, concerns, and desires, he enjoys the aspects of a relationship, such as conversation, quality time, etc. And so the point of Christianity is really to say that God in Jesus can be known.